3 Lessons From Guerrilla Mobile Usability at Starbucks

A few years ago, I attended Russ Unger’s (@russu) Guerrilla Research Methods Workshop at the Big Design Conference. It was a great session and I came away with several new ideas on how to approach research and design. The idea of conducting usability testing by more or less walking up to whoever is around (guerrilla usability) was perhaps my biggest takeaway from the workshop.

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Designing for Mistakes: The New Frontier Airlines Boarding Pass

We recently learned that Frontier Airlines is making a small, but significant, change to the times displayed on their boarding passes.  As ABC News explains it, "Frontier Airlines has decided to eliminate the departure time from boarding passes, and will instead list 'boarding begins' and 'doors close' on the boarding passes."  Many outlets presented this news with surprise.  My initial reaction was surprise followed quickly by skepticism.  Without a departure time, how will anyone know what to do when?  But then I put on my designer hat and realized that I really like this design decision.

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